Aquabyss on Minimig (Amiga) Core on the MiSTer - Network problem

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Aquabyss on Minimig (Amiga) Core on the MiSTer - Network problem

Post by goto_KCM »

Hey there.

I have problems getting Aquabyss network running on my MiSTer FPGA.

I tried roadshow and Miami TCP Stack but both are showing the same problems.

When i start Aquabyss installer 1.10 or the game itself and connect to network, the download is starting but on different stages on downloading aqb file, the transfer just freezes.

I tried running ping my router in background while trying to download, but here also the download hangs.
Sometimes with less the 1%, sometimes 20%.....
Pings in background are still working.

So, maybe someone else runs Aquabyss on the MiSTer and could provide some help?

Oh, and one big thing about the download:

Please, it would be amazing to first download the file with a temporary name and, after successfully downloading the file, delete the old and rename the tempfile. So, everytime i try to update Aquabyss and the download fails, say on file "aqb", i have to reinstall the game, because the aqb file istn't runable anymore....

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Aged Code
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Re: Aquabyss on Minimig (Amiga) Core on the MiSTer - Network problem

Post by Aged Code »

Yes, it's planned but for the time being go to the game directory, delete aqb file and rename aqb.old to aqb. That way you won't have to download the whole game.

As for the MiSTer, unfortunately, I have none and thus no experience. But perhaps someone else will be able to help.
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Re: Aquabyss on Minimig (Amiga) Core on the MiSTer - Network problem

Post by marmacc »

If you have a working installation with the actual version on an other Amiga just copy the hole Aquabyss drawer to an USB stick and copy all to the Mister. No need to download everything from scratch. One of my test machines have a Plipbox. It takes 15 minutes to download everything so this is the best way.
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