List of shortcuts

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List of shortcuts

Post by DaMi »

I love how the game can be controlled from the keyboard. Is there a current list of keyboard shortcuts? I know some indication is mentioned in the manual, but there is much much more.
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by Predseda »

Good notice.

There is really many keyboard shortcuts in the actual game and a list would be useful.
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Aged Code
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by Aged Code »

Yeah, not all are described so let's gather them in one place (the list will be kept updated):

Key(s) Function
F1-F5 Location change (F1=Market, F2=Shipyard, etc.)
F10 Options (works not on every screen)
C Contracts window. When it's open, keys 1-8 sort the list by article name, tonnage, value, etc.
Z Opens the bottom menu. Then keys:1-5 open tabs: 1.Cargo, 2.Contracts, 3.Tasks, 4.Inventory, 5.Network, 6.Co-Op, 7.Logbook
T Accelerates time

1. Market:
Key(s) Function
Arrows up/dn Scroll article list
Tab Switches between Sell & Buy
Enter/ NumpadEnter Confirms transaction
Arrows left/right Increase/decrease tonnage amount by one unit
Numpad+/- Increase/decrease tonnage amount continuously
Shift+arrow left/right Sets the tonnage counter to the maximum — both for buying and selling. When fulfilling a contract, pressing once sets it to the specified number, and pressing a second time will set it to the maximum.
C Contracts window. When it's open, keys 1-8 sort the list by article name, tonnage, value, etc.

2. Shipyard:
Key(s) Function
Arrows up/dn List browse in HULL, MOTOR, MODULES, DEVICES, and VESSEL
1 & 2 Switch between two groups of subsections: 1) HULL, MOTOR, MODULES, DEVICES, VESSEL and 2) REPAIR, HARPOONS
Shift + 15 Switch between subsections: 1=HULL, 2=MOTOR, 3=MODULES, 4=DEVICES, 5=VESSEL
Enter / Numpad Enter Confirms transaction
Arrows left/right [In subsection HARPOONS] change the harpoon launcher (if more than one is installed)
Numpad+/- Increase/decrease harpoons quantity
M Maximum harpoon quantity
Tab Switches between PLAYER and SHIPYARD side (applies to sections MODULES, DEVICES, and HARPOONS)

3. Police:
Key(s) Function
Spacebar Chat with a constable
L Open license window directly

4. Bar:
Key(s) Function
Spacebar Opens the guest list
Enter Starts a chat with the selected NPC
T Accelerates time

Key(s) Function
13 Select a dialogue line reply
[ ] Scroll chat history
I NPC info

5. Dock(s):
Key(s) Function
V Voyage button — starts a chat with the harbormaster
F Fills the fuel tank to the maximum
Enter / Numpad Enter Finalizes the fuel transaction
Numpad + / Increases/decreases fuel amount

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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by Aged Code »

Key(s) Function
Z Opens the bottom menu. Then keys:1-5open tabs: 1.Cargo, 2.Contracts, 3.Tasks, 4.Inventory, 5.Network, 6.Co-Op, 7.Logbook
C Opens lower panel on the contracts tab
F Centers the map and cursor on the player's vessel
S While in the proximity of a city snaps/attracts the vessel to it
D Call the harbormaster to request permission to dock in the city
M World minimap
] and ' Submerge or surface the submarine
Shift+F Locks or disables the camera on the vessel (the submarine has to be in motion in order to work)
HELP Calls SOS — Repair & Refuel Mobile Station
Extraction / Mining mode
E Switches between Extractor and Navigation mode
D Drill
G Gripper
H Harpoon (disabled until further notice)
1-3 Zoom radar range
Pirate mode
18 Assign one of the action
Left Amiga + 1-5 Assign a harpoon shot in motion detection mode (overwatch)
Left Amiga + E Execute chosen actions without confirmation request

Requesters (e.g.: contracts):
Arrows left/right Browse the "pages" if there's more text in the window
Enter / Numpad Enter/Y Confirms (thumb up)
Esc/N Cancels (thumb down)

Contracts window:
Key(s) Function
18 Sort the list by article name, tonnage, value, etc.
Tab Switches between city and player contracts
Enter / Numpad Enter Confirms transaction
Esc/N Cancels (thumb down).

Key(s) Function
P Player profile (attributes, statistics, etc.)
B Open Bulletin Board
Numpad/ Display Free Chip + largest Chip block memory
Numpad* Display music and sound FX memory occupation
F8 Enable/Disable Music directly without going to options
F9 Enable/Disable SFX directly without going to options
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by DaMi »

The list is really cool, thank you.

Here are my another suggestions:

Contract window
1 - 8 sorts the table in descending order now, great. Can every button sort the table both ascending and descending?

F10 - can second press turn the Option window back to game?
C - the same with Contract window, can second press hide this window?
P - User profile. Already works, but not mentioned in the list

Market - the shortcuts bellow already work, but so far not in the list
+ and - on numeric keyboard increases or decreases amount of goods to buy or sell
SHIFT + Arrow Left or Right changes the amount of goods for selling or buying to minimum/maximum

G shortcut does not work. But what works is the Space bar
Last edited by DaMi on Thu Dec 29, 2022 8:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by DaMi »

Would it be possible to create another shortcut for the Continue button to read a longer text like visible on a picture below?
Continue.png (205.78 KiB) Viewed 4132 times
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by Aged Code »

DaMi wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 8:44 pm Would it be possible to create another shortcut for the Continue button to read a longer text like visible on a picture below?
This shortcut is already in the game, it's the right square bracket ].
As to the other shortcuts, I missed some indeed and others will be added gradually. Thanks for the suggestion :thumbsup
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by DaMi »

Aged Code wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:06 pm
This shortcut is already in the game, it's the right square bracket ].
As to the other shortcuts, I missed some indeed and others will be added gradually. Thanks for the suggestion :thumbsup
Cool, thank you :thumbsup
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by Aged Code »

DaMi wrote: Thu Dec 29, 2022 8:39 pm Bar
G shortcut does not work. But what works is the Space bar
As stated in the description it will be available in the next update (already been implemented but awaits other fixes and improvements). Stay tuned ;)
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Re: List of shortcuts

Post by marmacc »

Great to have this list of shortcuts here! :thumbsup
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