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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.12 (30.03.2023)
- add:Vox Populi — Keyboard shortcuts page up / page down for scrolling the entire screen list in the city contracts window:
- add:The lock on scrolling city contracts has been released. Now pressing and holding the key up or down scrolls through the list until the key is released.
- add:Significantly improved the speed of browsing contracts.
- add:Enchanced level 2 PERCEPTION prompts when leaving a city without fulfilling commitments.
- add:Added mouse support for immersion/submersion buttons in extraction mode (side view).
- fix:Shortened mouse detection line on the bottom edge of the screen so that it does not interfere with the immersion button on the navigation panel.
- fix:German hard-coded text.
- fix:Other internal important fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.13 (31.03.2023)
- add:Enchanced level 2 PERCEPTION prompts when leaving a city without fulfilling commitments.
- add:Improved handling of the city's contract list buttons.
- add:In addition to the left and right arrows, the text in the Yes/No window can also be scrolled using the up and down arrows.
- add:Added two internal checkpoints for game states (for player and world data). A specific message will be displayed in case of an error.
- fix:The small graphic arrows indicating that there was more text in the Yes/No window had the opposite direction.
- fix:Slightly repositioned two buoys used by the traders to navigate.
- fix:Corrected error on the migratory route of one of the whale groups.
- fix:Corrected text formatting in requesters.
- fix:Corrected text in the description of contracts for both English and German.
- fix:Other internal fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.14-0.94.20 (06.04.2023)

- add:Completely redesigned player information panel [PIP for future reference]. It should now be easy and intuitive to use (plus animated arrows will indicate what to press at any given time). In addition, this panel now contains much more interesting data. Below is a comparison of the previous and current design:
It is now possible to see what impact adding a point to the MECHANICS attribute will have. In the information panel, the player will see the dynamic change in immersion and speed of the submarine before approving the selection of this attribute.
The new item is WEALTH. It determines not only the funds held but the total material value of the player. It has also replaced the FUNDS column on We hope that players will like the data presented in this way 🤓
- add:Vox Populi — Option to disable the filter of cities not accessible to the player's vessel in the list of best-known prices (market). By default, these will be shown, so the player must disable them on his own initiative.
Best Prices Filter.png
Best Prices Filter.png (4.23 KiB) Viewed 3082 times
- add:Vox Populi — Clicking on the small contract box sets a specific number of tonnes by contract - regardless of whether it is an import or export.

- add:Close button two-state graphics animation.
- add:Two algae sites near San Francis city for mining contracts.
- add:Economy system update.
- fix:Session time is now not being reset after loading a save game.
- fix:A fragment of the bottom menu was visible until the first opening - after that, it correctly disappeared.
- fix:Relocating some NPCs in save game states that didn't do the update correctly before.
- fix:German dialogues and hard-coded text fixes and improvements.
- fix:Code improvements for the game stability (already confirmed by a beta tester).
- fix:Hull creaking sound incorrectly played after loading a save game with the hull at 100%.
- fix:When taking a mining contract, the player sometimes saw other mining sites which disappeared after saving and loading the game. Now only the site specified by the contract is displayed.
- fix:LUCK attribute testing procedure had a small error.
- fix:"I can take 0" player dialogue fixed.
- fix:After loading the game save, the distances for mining contracts were not displayed in the city contracts window.
- fix:The palette on the bottom panel was sometimes not set correctly.
- fix:Improved handling of resources.

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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.21 (07.04.2023)
- add:Vox PopuliFeature request: Complete Contract (Market). Pressing shift + arrow once (left or right, depending on the type of contract) will fill the tonnage according to the contract (unless there is no more space in the player's hold or, in the case of a sale to a city, not enough tonnage in the cargo). Pressing shift + arrow a second time will maximize the tonnage.
- add:Vox Populi — Now the commodities in the market can be scrolled through without interruption by holding down the up or down arrow. The display of data on the screen itself has also been sped up, which is noticeable on slower Amigas.
- add:Vox Populi — Significantly accelerated contract execution operations. The difference is huge on slow Amigas.
- add:Vox Populi — "Sorting by city name" in the city contract window (press 8).
- add:The graphic frame for the name of the merchandise in the marketplace for longer names, such as Scrap Metal, which barely fit, has been redrawn and extended.
- add:The method of creating import contracts has been significantly improved. Now the variety of cities is much greater.
- add:A lot of code optimization.
- fix:The header reading section of the saved game state has been corrected as well as internally improved.
- fix:When a new level is reached, the animated arrow will only perform four repetitions instead of an infinite number.
- fix:The title FUNDS has been replaced by WEALTH in the header above the All-Time Records listing.
- fix:With more devices on the shipyard player list, scrolling down moved every second position.
- fix:Extended previous save compatibility.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.22-0.94.26 (10.04.2023)
- add:Increase in the value of contracts for low-level players (from 10% to up to 30%).
- add:Increase in the value of import contracts (from 10% to up to 30%).
- add:All friendly NPCs who have been affected by amnesia are now known to the player again.
- add:Vox Populi — The cursor does not go to the first position after taking a contract.
- add:Memorise cursor position separately for city and player contracts (tab or click toggle).
- add:Improved sorting by name on the contracts list.
- add:Traders, in addition to regular upgrades, can now also custom upgrade their hull's capability to reach deeper cities.
- add:Widened contract value column (numbers in higher level players overlapped with tonnage).
- fix:A few dialogue errors.
- fix:Changing the method of displaying color spots on the sonar (due to the asynchronous mode, the previous method wasn't always working correctly).
- fix:No more (hopefully) invisible police patrol inspecting the player far from the home route.
- fix:Fixed mouse pointer position when opening Player Cargo or Contracts tabs is disabled (it was a leftover from a very old version now).
- fix:When a new chunk of the map was loaded, if the city was within range of the vessel, it was not displayed in the HUD.
- fix:Other internal fixes.
- fix:When more than one delivery task was destined for the same city and the player entered the bar just before the NPCs changed shifts, the dialogue would enter an infinite loop, resulting in the game crashing.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.27 (11.04.2023)
- fix:Older save compatibility.
- add:New option: MAP 960 x 724
OPTION_MAP_960x724.png (3.84 KiB) Viewed 2929 times
However, this option is disabled for most players because it doesn't work with music and/or SFX and still needs some work. What's the benefit? Well, the chunk map instead of 640 x 400 is 960 x 724! The player can travel greater distances before a new map chunk is loaded. The difference is huge, but so are the Chip RAM requirements! For example, it's impossible to load the in-game options screen. Possible that other things can be affected as well. This feature isn't new. It's been in the game for at least 5 years but due to the tight Chip memory size, it was never made available to the public. Why make such an option then? The answer is simple: It will be tested only by selected players. They are aware of the potential problems they may encounter, so the forum won't get flooded with posts like "this option crashes my Amiga" 😉
But to satisfy your curiosity, this is the comparison of the present chunk map (640 x 400) and the bigger size (960 x 724):


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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.28 (12.04.2023)
- add:The LUCK attribute is even better used when creating contracts.
- add:Vox Populi — Second column (Export/Import) sorting order changed.
- add:Code optimization.
- fix:Small element of the NPC chat graphics Y placement at sea corrected.
- fix:Dialogues fixes.
- fix:German text update.
- fix:Lots of internal fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.29 (13.04.2023)

- add:Significantly improved contract creation. The new system introduces a better economic balance designed to satisfy the needs of low-stock cities. In addition, if the player takes a contract for an article whose local tonnage is limited, the other contracts of the same type are automatically removed from the list. This helps to keep the list compact and meaningful. We hope you'll like it!
- add:Also mining contracts are now more precise when it comes to the city's needs.
- add:Improved sorting of the 2nd column on the contracts list.
- fix:Internal fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.30-0.94.37 (16.04.2023)
- add:Lots of code optimization.
- add:As one user had a problem with the structure of the saves, code was added to check the integrity of tasks accepted from NPCs.
- add:Vox Populi — XP for mining contracts is now worth four times as much.
- add:Jammer device increases the chance of avoiding police control.
- add:Improved tasks generation procedure.
- add:Delivery tasks can now be destined for a city without a market (e.g., Cape Town). In addition, rewards like experience points, money, reputation, and NPC's attitude are higher in such a case.
- add:Players with PERCEPTION level 2+ will now see the NPCs from whom they have taken a task marked on the guest list in the bar. The following example shows a 'greater than' symbol > next to Imogen, from whom the player has taken a task, and an asterisk * next to Manford, who has an open offer not yet taken by the player:

PERCEPTION_TaskTaken.png (8.55 KiB) Viewed 2838 times
- fix:Filling up to full at sea did not display the amount of fuel including the fuel tank custom upgrade.
- fix:Conflicting contracts seem to be eliminated but need more tests.
- fix:German data display in the tasks window incorrectly showed a 0% reward for the delivery task.
- add:The lock on scrolling tasks has been released. Now pressing and holding the key up or down scrolls through the list until the key is released.
- fix:Accessing cities with security levels lower than 70 and one penalty point wasn't handled properly.
- fix:Magallanes had wrongly enabled the police station.
- add:Code has been added to remove unused seabed snapshots that were not properly deactivated when the mining site expired.
- fix:Algae contracts suffered in the last update due to misplaced conditions in the mining generation code.
- add:Added failed network connection handler.
- fix:Some local items weren't offered by NPCs.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.94.38-0.94.42 (20.04.2023)
- add:The code improvement gave the sea part of the game about a 230% speed increase on a 030 50 MHz! On slower machines, the acceleration is less visible but we're still working on it (the calculations are very heavy but there's still room for improvement). This acceleration works only in Sandbox mode, but the story mode will also be taken care of.
- add:Vox Populi — Sorting of categories ascending and descending in the contract list changes when the same category is selected again.
- add:Distinction of contract type in the mining category: coal and iron ore remain labeled as MINING and algae as HARVEST.
- add:Vox Populi — Discovered cities are now marked on the minimap! In addition, pointing the mouse at a city will display its name:

- add:Apart from a city name on the minimap there's also its depth:
AQUABYSS_Minimap_CityDepth.png (4.6 KiB) Viewed 2709 times
- add:Vox Populi — Madrid moved from 3339 meters to 3255 and now can be accessed in Cuttlefish class with MECHANICS level 3.
- fix:Corrected and improved the code responsible for the passage of the meridian °180E<->°180W.
- fix:Online players not in any of the city locations are identified as being on the "square" (visible in the network tab).
- add:Other internal code optimizations.
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