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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

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0.97.05 (31.12.2023)
- fix: A hotfix for a New Game when "Skip Paris introduction" was chosen in the first dialogue.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.06 (01.01.2024)
- fix:Corrected German translation.
- fix:Corrected wrongly displayed the awareness window even if there was no expired licence.
- fix:When ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) in the market was over 99.xx, it would not be properly cleaned after the article change.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

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0.97.07 (05.01.2024)
- fix:Vox Populi — Massive price fixes in the shipyard.
- fix:Fixed an exploit in the market reported by some captains.
- add:Sonar class IV.
- add:The minimum prices of the player's vessel and motor have been increased. As a reminder, their value decreases over time, but there is a minimum percentage cap - this has been increased in favour of the player.
- add:The hull condition after upgrade (or downgrade) is now set to 100% and does not require additional repair if the MECHANICS attribute is at level 1 or higher.
- fix:Other internal smaller updates and fixes.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.08 (06.01.2024)
- fix:Attempting to install the device when all slots were occupied no longer displayed the warning. It was restored.
- fix:The preview of the temporarily added point to the MECHANICS attribute showed lower values than in reality. However, the point assignment itself resulted in correct data.
- fix:When the MECHANICS attribute level was added and approved, the new data update overlapped with the old data.
- fix:FUNDS field cleared by 2 pixels wider due to large amounts of the top player (Marc, hold your horses :lol:).
- add:All policewomen got a new portrait.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.09 (07.01.2024)
- fix:Repair price was in green instead of red.
- fix:Switching Player<->Shipyard in the harpoon section did not reset the price on the counter.
- fix:0 harpoon selection no longer shows the price.
- fix:Confirmation of a transaction in a yard when the amount equals zero no longer plays sound.
- fix:Devices can be sold again.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.10 (09.01.2024)
- fix:Fixed repair block bug in the shipyard introduced in the previous version.
- fix:A severe bug in multiple hunt contracts has been eliminated.
- fix:A potential bug in the destruction of the pirate at the bottom edge of the screen has been fixed.
- fix:Other internal minor fixes.
- add:Vox Populi — Pirate hunt reward is increased.
- add:AI of pirates has been Improved.
- add:A piece of code has been added that should repair corrupted multiply pirate hunt contracts.
- add:Improved the server functionality.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.11—0.97.12 (10.01.2024)
- fix:Code optimization. Some precious Chip RAM has been increased.
- fix:Removed an unused procedure which could cause instability.
- fix:Fixed tab crash in the network chat.
- fix:Sonar IV was erroneously assigned to a city without a shipyard, making it impossible to purchase. This has been corrected and it can now be found in Shanghai.
- fix:Prices of some devices have been adjusted.
- fix:The game could not be saved after the message that the game must be saved and reloaded (only applies to very old save versions).
- fix:Fixed and improved the display of save/load sprites for a remote server slot (upper menu).
- fix:Other internal minor fixes.
- fix:A very special situation would cause the game to quit to WB while the player was leaving a city. It took place when: 1) the player had a trader in co-op mode, 2) the time for the co-op was due to expire after midnight, 3) option SET TO 25MTS was on, and 4) the player was leaving the city just before midnight. The whole thing is much more complex but this information alone gives an idea.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.13—0.97.15 (17.01.2024)
- add:No more waiting for the submarine to adjust to the next depth when moving from deeper to shallow waters!
- add:Cuttlefish and Barracuda now have the option to custom add 1 device slot.
- add:Improvements and text localization in the ID & Key screen (seen only once upon registering the game).
- add:Added support for the feed line at the end of the DNS server address (added for example by the Amiga OS system ed tool).
- add:Many fixes and improvements in the Player Information Panel. Check it out and try to find out the difference ;)
- add:Added possibility to custom upgrade hull class 10 (Abyssal I)
- add:Vox Populi — When a point is added to the MECHANICS attribute, the hull is automatically repaired to 100%. Enjoy 😉
- add:German text additions and fixes.
- add:Improved special characters capitalization (internal code).
- add:Added a debug log saved in RAM: (under aqb_debug.log). If the game quits to WB while leaving a city, and only then, please check this file and share it on our Discord #⁠help channel.
- fix:Fixed a cosmetic bug where modified device slots were shown as 0 and installed over the capacity.
- fix:Fixes in the aquabyss.font 7
- fix:To better balance the game, the city of Manila was moved from 4862 m to 4507 m.
- fix:The preview of the effect of adding a point to the MECHANICS attribute has been fixed.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.16—0.97.17 (18.01.2024)
- add:The hull condition is set to 100% after a custom update.
- fix:Docking in cities, while the market was closed, did not enable the generation of contracts (these were carried over from the previously visited city, resulting in some errors).
- fix:The code responsible for displaying the date and time has been changed. This should also fix the errors that previously occurred from time to time in this area.
- fix:Reduced time for docking and undocking from cities to 1/6th.
- add:A more detailed introduced recently debug log.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.18 (19.01.2024)
- add:The behaviour of the R&R station has been reworked. It takes into account the state of the player's hull and does not force the submarine to dive below the current hull capacity. A few other tweaks and improvements have been made in this element of the game.