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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

On the test server (with the previous changelogs)
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.58—0.97.62 [02.03.2024]
- fix:Further improvements to Chip's music-related memory management.
- add:Expanded and visually improved data fields in the dock city information panel.
  • Dock City Info (new vs old).png
- add:Vox Populi — Added the coordinates of the city being viewed in the aforementioned panel.
- add:Improved the mouse and keys city list in the dock.
- add:Corrected and expanded German player contracts info.
- add:Increased minimum value of player motor used from 60% to 70%.
- fix:Reworked the shipyard transaction mechanism due to some inconsistencies.
- add:This version prepares the way for a completely new feature asked by Vox Populi 😉
- fix:The Device class was incorrectly displayed, but it was only a cosmetic error; the properties of the device were correct.
- fix:Fixed a potential quit to WB caused by a wrongly called tooltip removal in the lower panel first tab.
- fix:Other fixes.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.52—0.97.63 [03.03.2024]
- add:This version contains all updates tested on the test server starting from 0.97.39.
- add:The device tooltip description has been moved above the mouse pointer so that it does not obscure any information behind it.
  • Device Tooltip Description.png
- fix:After the planning action was finished and the last assigned shot was a motion detection (overwatch), a sprite icon would remain on the combat info panel.
- fix:Changing a motor or vessel in the list with the tooltip displayed left a graphic glitch.
- fix:Fixes related to the device group changes (internal change).
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.64—0.97.66 [04.03.2024]
- fix:Fixed a "generous" bonus percentage. This happened due to an error in returning from a procedure zero as an int instead of float (apparently Amos adds random floats in such a case on its own).
- fix:Occasionally after the message "Prepare for battle!" was displayed, the game would freeze. It happened because the X-axis positioning of the pirates sometimes went into an endless loop.
- fix:One more fix for the pirate encounter in the launching harpoon test procedure.
- fix:Shipyard repair works again.
- fix:On very fast CPUs (e.g., 060 100 MHz), the main menu screen would sometimes fail to display, leaving the screen black.
- fix:A very old and mysterious "bug" has finally been solved. When the player visited a location and loaded the game again, entering the same location would reveal working graphics. Although it was only a cosmetic error, it will now no longer amaze with its effect. 😁
- fix:When the player remained in a location during the shift change, the location light would incorrectly go off.
- fix:One more "Press Esc key" was replaced with "Press any key".
- add:Two further entries in debug mode at game start-up.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.69 [05.03.2024]
- add:Improved blitting graphics on the navigation panel (sea mode).
- add:Improved music and sound management in the mining and pirate encounter. Music is back again after the pirate encounter.
- add:If the player's funds exceed 10,000, decimals are no longer displayed.
- add:Added encounter log. The file aqb_debug.log will be saved in the game's root directory if the file named debug is detected before starting up the game (size doesn't matter). This is what a full log with music and sound FX enabled looks like (free memory can differ depending on the individual user experience):

Code: Select all

Constructing encounter mode...        	Chip free: 396312 (238048)  Fast free: 60857336 (60327177)
 - screens prepared.                  	Chip free: 286872 (238048)  Fast free: 60856128 (60327177)
 - pirates generated.                 	Chip free: 286872 (238048)  Fast free: 60856128 (60327177)
 - environment set.                   	Chip free: 286872 (238048)  Fast free: 60855712 (60327177)
 - encounter samples loaded.          	Chip free: 233208 (184384)  Fast free: 60855776 (60327177)
 - subsink sample loaded.             	Chip free: 115848 (67024)  Fast free: 60855776 (60327177)
 - battle music loaded.               	Chip free: 115848 (67024)  Fast free: 60855776 (60327177)
 - encounter constructed successfully.	Chip free: 115848 (67024)  Fast free: 60855776 (60327177)
- fix:Limiting the number of enemy shots with movement detection (overwatch) did not work properly. This update fixes this.
- fix:Fixed ally HP tooltip in overview mode.
- fix:Summary for the combat with an NPC in CO-OP mode had incorrect values.
- fix:Device class identification fix (their properties have not changed, this is only a cosmetic correction).
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.70—0.97.71 [06.03.2024]
- fix:Incorrectly counted the price to be paid (and the difference in case of downgrade) of vessels at the shipyard (bug introduced recently).
- fix:Devices mess fix from the last update.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.72—0.97.88 [25.03.2024]
- add:Vox Populi — A new device and a new feature - autopilot!
  • Autopilot.png
  • Attention:
    • Autopilots consume ~15% more fuel.
    • In autopilot cruise mode, the vessel follows a path from buoy to buoy, which may not always be the optimal route.
  • A new window for the autopilot functionality can be found in the 'Vessel tab' (lower menu). Here is how an automatic course can be set:
  • To interrupt the automatic course, simply press Esc key or go to the lower menu, click on the autopilot device row and right-click the mouse on the selected destination city (the blue steering wheel will change into a red X).
  • The autopilot includes a built-in path correction feature for navigating tight spots between land masses. However, this algorithm is quite simple, so don't expect it to handle every situation perfectly. Be prepared to intervene if your vessel gets stuck.
- add:Significantly improved performance of the text display (we've got a report that the game is much faster at sea too).
- add:Lowercase system and bitmap font 7.
- add:Green and red colour bitmap font 7.
- add:Updated player contracts display form. Import contracts are marked in green, Export in blue, Pirate Hunt in red and mining/harvest in gold. In addition, information about XP and reputation points is also displayed:
  • New Player Contracts Display Form (a).png
    New Player Contracts Display Form (a).png (10.17 KiB) Viewed 1383 times
  • New Player Contracts Display Form (b).png
    New Player Contracts Display Form (b).png (9.82 KiB) Viewed 1415 times
- add:Significantly reduced data exchange between the game client and the server (some parts are sent only at the client's request).
- add:Improved tooltips presentation. Take a look at this example:
  • New Tooltip Comparison.png
- add:The bulletin window now has a close button, consistent with other windows.
- add:Popup server message.
- fix:In a certain scenario, opening the options screen would cause the game to quit.
- fix:Main menu: When the player was online and there was no remote save, he would get a message "You are offline!". Now it's correctly handled.
- fix:Many internal fixes, improvements and redundant code reduction.
- fix:The travel speed was affected in the latest test updates, but after a few hours of tiresome analysis, it's finally restored, and the same speed has been applied to the autopilot mode.
- fix:More minor fixes plus German and Polish translations.
AQUABYSS Autopilot.mp4
(9.66 MiB) Downloaded 211 times
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Re: Changelog

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0.97.89—0.97.90 [26.03.2024]
- fix:Fix for a few old text formatting tags left from the previous method.
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Re: Changelog

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0.97.91 [27.03.2024]
- fix:Fixed one more missed spot with the old text formatting tag that would cause the game to quit after a pirate encounter.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.92 [28.03.2024]
- fix:After the latest updates, the game became unstable again due to too many procedures. In this version, a dozen of them have been merged into common ones performing an alternative action. Let's hope this brings stability back.
- fix:When hovering the mouse over a player's name, the sprite arrow pointed to the wrong position in the list of online players.
- fix:Other minor fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.97.93—0.97.94 [29.03.2024]
- fix:Another requester with old tags fixed.
- fix:Improved text formatting procedure.