Re: Changelog
0.97.19 (20.01.2024)
- fix: An attempt to report an expired goods transport contract at the police station ended in a game crash when the player also held a pirate hunting contract.
- add: Vox Populi — Increased the value of pirate contracts by ~50%.
- add: Vox Populi — Increased the value of mining contracts by ~50%.
Re: Changelog
0.97.20 (21.01.2024)
- fix: The ID & Key screen would cause the game to quit to WB for new players. This update restores the order in the galaxy.
Re: Changelog
0.97.21 (22.01.2024)
- fix: Teleportation bug. When a city was at the edge of the screen, and snapping to it loaded a new section of the map, it teleported the vessel several hundred (or sometimes thousands) of miles away.
Re: Changelog
0.97.22—0.97.23 [23.01.2024]
- fix: Fixed a very unpleasant bug when an import contract was about to be fulfilled and a pirate hunt contract was taken in the same city - the pirate contract would also be 'fulfilled', which was technically not the case, causing a mess in the game and game save.
- fix: The contract extension contained an error in passing on an incorrect value derived from another player's dialogue selection.
Re: Changelog
0.97.24 [24.01.2024]
- fix: An incorrectly inserted condition in the last update created a perma-loop when the only contract held was fulfilled.
- add: Added CURRENT VALUE entry in the PIP (Player Information Panel) showing the value of the vessel and its percentage status (a cap is imposed on this value, which is no less than 70%).
- add: In addition to the data above, we can now see the dynamic effect on the value of the vessel by adding a point to the TRADE attribute before permanently accepting the choice (as is the case with MECHANICS).
- add: Tooltip with the neutral motor price.
- add: Tooltip with the neutral vessel price.
- VALUE OF THE VESSEL. It means the linear declining shipyard exchange cost of the player's vessel from the date of its purchase (100%, brand new) to the moment when its worth falls to 70% (after 4 years, 1 month, 8 days according to the present formula).
Re: Changelog
0.97.25—0.97.38 [13.02.2024]
- fix: Toolip "NEUTRAL PRICE" was unnecessarily displayed in sections Repair and Harpoons.
- fix: Removed 0 (zero) hours from the contract description.
- fix: Better formatting and info text in contracts.
- add: Bright small font added for better clarity of the presented data (used especially in the contract description bottom panel):
- add: Two types of Pirate Hunt contracts: Limited and Unlimited .
- add: We have a new symbol in contracts: ∞ - It means there is unlimited time for fulfilling a contract.
- fix: Pirate Hunt contracts are no longer for fixed 30 days. The time is now calculated based on the distance.
- fix: Unfired programmed harpoons did not return to the cartridge after defeating an enemy.
- fix: After defeating the pirates, the amount of XP was not being added correctly.
- add: The Pirate Hunt contracts have been expanded by another feature - the intensity of the pirate robbery. The city will inform the player if it is a few , several , or if the situation becomes intense . When it is the latter, there will be no time-limited offer. Instead, the city will raise the award for the pirate elimination. It will be going up with every report on that spot (until the player or the city takes care of a very hot situation).
- add: Increased value of pirate contracts by over 100% (cash and XP).
- add: Graphically improved City Contracts window.
- add: Button close has been added to the City Contracts window. Also, CITY and PLAYER are now translated:
- add: When viewing contracts in the licence requirements, all the required ones are shown, e.g. Wholesaler, Destillerybutor, and not just the first one as before:
- add: Significantly improved Chip memory checking (thanks, Juen, for the tip!). Instead of checking the free available Chip memory, the program now checks the longest free block. There should be no more quits to WB upon loading music and samples.
- add: Ability to enable or disable music of sound FX without the need to enter the in-game menu options. You can achieve it by pressing F8 for music and F9 for SFX:
- add: Added possibility to check free Chip memory both global and the largest block in the city as well - / key from the Numpad:
- add: Code optimizations.
- add: A lot of Polish hard-coded texts (not available for gameplay yet).
- add: German text improvements.
- add: More detailed debug mode while leaving a city.
- add: Added a new debug for starting the game (optional).
- add: Improved combat panel and combat action planning. To enter the overlook combat panel mode press space (only when in the action planning mode).
- fix: Removed the column CITIES from the network window All-Time Records tab. This gave space for other overlapping data (some captains' values are in millions now
- add: Right after you start the game when the screen is still black, you may press key - (minus) or + (plus) to enable or disable the network connection.
- add: Esc key closes the network window (press once and then again to close the lower menu).
- fix: The congratulation message coming from the city where the pirate hunt contract was taken had some cosmetic errors.
- Also, as shown in the screenshot above, info about the remaining bonus time has been added.
- When you press one of the corresponding function keys, the mouse cursor will change to the icon shown above. It will remain in this state until the left mouse button is pressed.
- Added scroll buttons for browsing pirate vessels (if more than 3).
- The mouse hovering over the name of the pirate vessel shows an arrow pointing to the pirate ship on the battlefield:
- The mouse hovering over the player's name shows the remaining Hit Points:
- Shortcut
Amiga+E swiftly ends the planning phase and enters the combat mode, enabling immediate action execution. ATTENTION: You will not see the requester even if you have unspent Action Points! - Shortcut
Amiga+1 to 5 for motion detection shot (also called "overwatch"). - A green light bulb indicates whose turn it is. A red one informs that the vessel has been destroyed:
- To exit the overlook combat panel and return to the action planning panel press
Space orEsc key or left mouse click in the bottom left corner (a tooltipBACK will also appear indicating the right spot):

Re: Changelog
Upcoming update
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.39—0.97.46 [20.02.2024]
- add: New bonus method:
- add: New rules for taking contracts: 2 (base) + 1 for Wholesaler licence + 1 for each TRADE attribute . There are no more contracts granted for the player level. But this will be compensated with the following features:
- add: 24-hour buffer . Presently, when the deadline has been reached, the contract is lost and a penalty is applied. In the new update, the player still has 24 hours to either deliver the goods or terminate the contract (but not extend!). An additional benefit is that the player can still get some of the base reward (no bonus but that is obvious). How much, will depend on the hour of delivery (the closer to the 24th the lesser the percentage will be).
- add: Pirate Hunt contracts are considered finished the moment the pirates are defeated.
- add: Mining contracts deadline is set to 300 days! It means, you can combine it with regular import/export contracts without the time pressure and make this part of the game more relaxing.
- add: In addition to the recently bright small front, a blue colour version was created. It will be used to highlight specific data within the text. An example is in the next entry below.
- add: Reworked PIP (Player Information Panel). Some entries have been removed or relocated and new ones added.
- add: More detailed information about taken contracts (lower menu, first tab). Apart from the deadline, it tells also how much time is left for the bonus. Numbers and keywords are highlighted:
- add: This version will do a one-time reset of all attributes. The player will have to opportunity to assign the released points according to the experience and new changes.
- add: New Chip RAM administration method. So far so good. It seems that it is the cure for the disappearing music. Let's see how it performs in the long term.
- add: Vox Populi — The contracts list is updated at 6:00 a.m. without the need of re-docking in the city.
- add: Vox Populi — Reinstated clicking on the CONTRACTS area in the city contracts window to close the window.
- add: Vox Populi — Press any key to continue instead of Space and or/Esc only.
- fix: Pirate fight quit to WB crash fix.
- fix: Latitude array dimensions size was erroneously 3891 instead of 3981 resulting in crashing the game when the player went deep south.
- fix: The Mouse is again operational in the dialogues at the police station after closing the contracts window.
- fix: Fixed #C: tag appearing sometimes in the text.
- fix: German typos.
- add: German and Polish translations.
- fix: Other fixes.
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.39—0.97.46 [20.02.2024]
CONTRACTS LIMIT This tells the player how many contracts he can take at a time. It can be increased by adding to theTRADE attribute.FUEL CONSUMPTION How much your precious vessel is consuming per minute. This can be improved by investing inMECHANICS .PARIS -> OLD YORK Theoretical travel time between those cities. This helps the player to see the impact of adding one of the attributes related to time and speed, namely,NAVIGATION andMECHANICS .- All changes can be seen dynamically before the player accepts the choice:
Re: Changelog
On the test server (with the previous changelog)
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.47—0.97.49 [24.02.2024]
- add: ATTENTION: Fuel consumption is now based on the individual motor class and not on the submarine class! This change was announced a very long time ago but wasn't introduced until now. Changing from one motor to a more powerful one had never changed fuel consumption up until now, because the amount of fuel was permanently assigned to each submarine. This obviously made little sense. How does the new calculation work? As a base consumption was taken the very basic motor Pony used in the Prawn submarine class. The new method matches it 100%, so nothing has changed there. Based on it, all other motors' consumption is automatically recalculated. There are no special treatments here, each one goes according to the same rule and it's impossible to tweak them individually. Yet. A new property will be added in the future (this is an announcement
- add: As a result of the above change, an entry has been added in the shipyard (on the player and shipyard side) indicating fuel consumption (the PIP also takes this change into account):
- fix: Submarine updates:
- add: Reworked and improved the custom upgrade routine. It gives now more chances to succeed. There are also better chances of a successful upgrade if the first one fails (it works only if you keep asking the shipyard worker in the same dialogue before closing it!).
- add: Colourized data in the dialogue with a shipyard worker. Positive outcomes are in green and negative in red for better readability:
- add: Police control dialogue is now colourized. Green is used for positive outcomes and red for negative.
- add: Item names in dialogues with NPCs are in blue.
- fix: The "Neutral price" tooltip was incorrectly displayed in the shipyard when there were no vessels or motors on the list.
- fix: The buttons in the shipyard, when hovered over with the mouse and directed elsewhere, behaved as if they had been clicked.
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.47—0.97.49 [24.02.2024]
- Buffs or technical corrections
- Submarines
Medusa - Height: 8.1 m -> 9.2 m
- Fuel tank custom upgrade: 10% -> 15%
Crab - Hull: Class II -> III (from 310 m. to 530 m.)
- Cargo modules: 13 -> 14 (65 ton to 70 ton)
- Fuel tank custom upgrade: 10% -> 20%
- Level requirement: 3 -> 2
Seahorse - Height: 10.8 m -> 11.2 m
- Hit Points: -> 1217
Starfish - Height: 14.4 m -> 15.5 m
- Hit Points: -> 1602
Crawfish - Height: 15.7 m -> 16.7 m
- Hit Points: -> 2252
Belone - Length: 30.6 m -> 33.5 m
- Height: 15.3 m -> 18.5 m
- Hit Points: -> 2904
Cuttlefish - Length: 38.7 m -> 38.9 m
- Height: 19.4 m -> 20 m
- Hit Points: -> 4207
Barracuda - Height: 23.4 m -> 23.5 m
- Hit Points: -> 5325
Sawfish - Height: 11.2 m -> 13.5 m
- Hit Points: -> 1216
Calmar - Height: 16.4 m -> 21 m
- Hit Points: -> 2938
- Motors
Mustang - Custom upgrade: 11% -> 13%
Imperius - Horse Power: 3770 -> 4150
- Submarines
- Nerfs
- Motors
Buffalo - Custom upgrade: 10% -> 5%
Hercules I - Custom upgrade: 12% -> 10%
Hercules II - Custom upgrade: 10% -> 8%
Imperius - Custom upgrade: 10% -> 8%
Magnus - Custom upgrade: 12% -> 10%
- Horse Power: 5350 -> 5000
Magnus II - Custom upgrade: 12% -> 10%
- Horse Power: 6500 -> 6300
- Motors
- (Oh, addition is misspelled!)
Re: Changelog
On the test server (with the previous changelogs)
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.50—0.97.52 [26.02.2024]
- fix: Fixed a critical bug that would eventually cause a lot of trouble at sea.
- fix: Fixed recently introduced "comma" bug where numbers would show unnecessary digits after comma.
- fix: Removed double payment for the Pirate Hunt contract.
- fix: Another fix in the combat mode.
- fix: Split a potentially big procedure into a few smaller ones.
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.50—0.97.52 [26.02.2024]
Re: Changelog
On the test server (with the previous changelogs)
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.53—0.97.57 [27.02.2024]
- add: Improved handling of the file requests sent by the game client on the server side. It should help with slow connections on devices like Wodem or Plipbox but we need feedback from owners of these boxes.
- fix: Complete submarine downgrade is possible now directly to the lowest class.
- fix: Two more sections of the game (at sea) have been adapted to the new method of handling the Chip memory for music and SFX.
- fix: Other minor fixes.
Presently available only on the test server where everyone can join and test it. Instructions on how to do it are on our Discord server.
0.97.53—0.97.57 [27.02.2024]