difficulty in approaching shipyard employees

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difficulty in approaching shipyard employees

Post by Blueberry »

Hallo : )

Ich habe eine Weile nicht mehr im Spiel reingeschaut, weil ich die Geschwindigkeit des U-Bootes mithilfe des Werftmitarbeiter nicht mehr erhöhen kann. Das fing vor ca. 6 Monaten an. Ja, ich hätte viel eher schreiben können, aber ich hab das Spiel zu Unrecht ein wenig vernachlässigt.
Derzeit besitze ich die Crawfish. In Alexandria schaffe ich es nicht, herauszufinden, wer Werftmitarbeiter ist. Ich gebe den Leuten in der Bar Unmengen an Getränken. Die bedanken sich und es gibt mal 1 oder 3 Punkte, aber der Status bleibt immer auf neutral und der Balken wackelt kurz hoch und dann wieder runter. Aber das ist mittlerweile in jeder Stadt so. Eher sogar schlimmer. Wenn ich mir die Belone holen würde und ich spreche in der Stadt jemanden an, wo es das U-Boot gibt, dann geht der Balken eher runter. Ich kann mich ja noch nichtmal im Voraus die Leute warmhalten bzw, den Status der Beziehung nach oben bringen.
Dadurch kann ich keine vernünftigen Aufträge machen, keine Aufträge für Rohstoffe & Algen holen, weil das U-Boot zu langsam ist.

Die Balance war mal besser gewesen. Ich will es ja nicht zu einfach haben. Ich fühle mich da in so einer Dauerschleife, weil ich keinen mehr in der Bar den Status auf freundlich bringen kann. Wird sich da noch etwas ändern?

Die neuen Inhalte, gerade mit den Piraten werde ich dieses Wochenende mal ausprobieren :- )


I haven't looked at the game for a while because I can no longer increase the speed of the submarine with the help of the shipyard employee. This started about 6 months ago. Yes, I could have written much sooner, but I've been neglecting the game a bit, wrongly.
I currently own the Crawfish. In Alexandria, I can't manage to find out who is a shipyard employee. I give the people in the bar loads of drinks. They say thank you and I get 1 or 3 points, but the status always stays at neutral and the bar wobbles up and then down again. But it's like that in every city now. It's even worse. If I were to get the Belone and I speak to someone in the town where the submarine is available, the bar tends to go down. I can't even keep people warm in advance or raise the status of the relationship.
As a result, I can't do any proper jobs or get any jobs for resources and algae because the submarine is too slow.

The balance used to be better. I don't want it to be too eager. I feel like I'm in a permanent loop because I can't get anyone in the bar to change their status to friendly. Is anything going to change?

I'll try out the new content this weekend, especially with the pirates :- )
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Aged Code
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Re: difficulty in approaching shipyard employees

Post by Aged Code »

Ahoy Captain Blueberry,

Thanks for the detailed information. One player had a similar situation, so an adjustment was made not so long ago to correct these low attitudes (each game has unique values). If your latest save is uploaded to the server, I'll check it - perhaps your version of the save wasn't recognized correctly and missed that internal "patch".
I'll let you know here.
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Re: difficulty in approaching shipyard employees

Post by Blueberry »

great, thank you :-)

So I have 2 employees on the docks, one on the market and the harbor master on friendly.
I still have 2 guests. but they only want to accept gifts. I have so many gifts in the list, but they are demanding ;- ).
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Re: difficulty in approaching shipyard employees

Post by Aged Code »

I know what happened. The new NPCs attitude patch has been applied only to the players at level 0 or 1. That's why it didn't work for you.
The reason was simple - I assumed the players at higher levels have already worked out most of the NPCs and possibly made someone dislike them for not fulfilling a task or something like that. Logically, I didn't want to give them a "free reset". But given that some items liked by NPCs are not easy to get, the next version will have a significant change in the NPCs' attitude towards the player offering them their favourite gift. More details will be revealed close to the release. Nur ein wenig mehr Geduld bitte, es wird sich lohnen :mrgreen:
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Re: difficulty in approaching shipyard employees

Post by Blueberry »

thanx for the Information :- )
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