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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.380.96.40 (20.10.2023)
- add:Captains, you will be pleased to hear that the cities have decided to abolish reputation requirements in contracts for all articles except medicine and gas. This will allow distracted players to rebuild their reputations. 👨🏻‍⚖️
- add:Another piece of happy news is that level 0 or level 1 players with a reputation below 0 and penalty points will receive a one-time pardon from the police. 👮‍♂️
- fix:A few important dialogue fixes and improvements.
- fix:Remaining tones were incorrectly displayed in dialogue with the NPC who commissioned a task for delivery.
- fix:In the initial game, with only two cities discovered by the player and no conditions for the creation of contracts, one false contract was "created".
- add:Added information on the number of available and occupied device slots (player vessel tab on the bottom panel).
- add:Added the ability to scroll through the list of devices if there are more than three (player vessel tab on the bottom panel).
- fix:During a conversation with an NPC whose attitude was "suspicious" towards the player, a dialogue appeared in which the level 0 player offered 0 verns (to improve relations with this NPC).
- add:The dialogue above did not have an alternative choice for ending the conversation, so one was added.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.41 (21.10.2023)
- add:The base attitude of all NPCs to the player from Paris, Hamburg, and Old Danzig for level 0 and level 1 players has been increased. This will make it easier to make friends, especially with shipyard workers who offer custom upgrades.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.420.96.43 (24.10.2023)
- add:Colored syntax in dialogues!
  • Coloured syntax in dialogues.png
- add:Due to the colored syntax in the dialogues, the bitmap font is now forced for all ignoring the settings in the options (sorry, but there is no other way, at least not at the moment).
- add:Vox Populi — Botmap font is restored in the online chat.
- fix:Removed the digits indicating the number of lines in the chat dialog (after consulting with many players, it was obvious that this feature was causing more confusion than good).
- add:Instead, a small arrow is displayed to inform the player that the chat history is longer than shown on the screen.
- fix:The pop-up window informing the player of running out of fuel when moving the keyboard arrows did not appear (mouse movement worked fine).
- add:Experimental code for the graphic 'offset' error in two known cases. We need feedback on this.
- fix:Other internal fixes.
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Aged Code
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.44 (25.10.2023)
- fix:Fixed color tagging display error.
- add:Vox Populi — New contract text formatting:
  • New Export Contract EN (1)_cr.png
  • New Import Contract EN (2)_cr.png
  • New Import Contract DE (1)_cr.png
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.45 (27.10.2023)
- add:Shipyard colored messages.
- fix:Fixed formatting in a few messages.
- fix:Fixed blue rectangle in the upper menu after returning from in-game options.
- fix:Internal important fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.460.96.47 (29.10.2023)
- fix:NPC name changed from red to blue. From now on red will be used for failed outcomes (player dialogues with prefixes like [TRADE], [PERCEPTION], [LUCK], etc.) and green for successful outcomes. Here's an example:
  • Dialogue_Failure.png
  • Dialogue_Success.png
- add:Sounds for the above failed and successful outcomes.
- add:Colored messages for load and save game:
  • Game_state_Load.png
  • Game_state_Save.png
- fix:Important fixes and improvements in TRADE/PERCEPTION/LUCK/etc. outcome checks in dialogues.
- add:Added a code routine that handles a very specific situation where a player hasn't updated the game in recent times, went from offline to online, got updated the exe only, and started the game in offline mode. Because the game was looking for a new file (which wasn't downloaded due to the offline state) it ended up quitting to WB.
- fix:Critical error in reserved memory for player save. Completely forgotten, its value set long ago was too low for some players at the highest levels. Their data started to exceed it causing a serious game crash.
- fix:After the color text was introduced, the player's name was not replaced by the script in the text during the procedure for leaving the city or docking in it.
- fix:Corrected syntax of dynamically folded text seen in brackets in dialogues at the end of some texts.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.480.96.49 (02.11.2023)
- add:Vox Populi — Significant improvement in the dialogues at the police station. Considerably less going through some dialogues. Renewing a licence is now much easier. Just take a look at the screenshot:
  • New Licence Renewal.png
- add:Vox Populi — Expanded the PERCEPTION attribute usefulness. Upon leaving a city, a reminder displays information about licences that are valid for 7 days or less or are expired or revoked.
  • Level 1 will display a generic information:


  • While Level 2 or higher will give very specific details:

- add:The police station has a new convenient shortcut to the dialogue related to licences. You can activate it by clicking on the right desk (it will be outlined on mouse hover):
  • Police Station Desk Shortcut.png
- add:The police station can be left with a mouse click on the portal (it will be outlined on mouse hover):
  • Police Station Exit.png
- fix:Fixed too wide entries in the information given about a saved game in the main menu in the hint area.
- fix:Limited starting position for procedural placement of algae on the seabed, where they were sometimes placed too close to the edge of the screen, making them impossible to harvest.
- add:Improved pirate AI. When their HP is low they won't be an easy target anymore 😉
- fix:Other internal fixes.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code »

0.96.500.97.00 (02.12.2023)
- add:An NPC trader (or more than one if you're lucky!) can be asked to join the player in a fight against the pirates!
  • NPC asked to join in coop.png
  • NPC joined in coop.png
  • NPC in fight against pirates.png
- add:If the player is in a co-op mode, the XP from defeated pirates is based on the damage dealt (percentage).
- add:Vox Populi — After the fight is over the attitude of the accompanying NPC towards the player is set to friendly.
- add:AI of the pirates has been rewritten (but still needs more work).
- add:Colorized NPC information:
  • Colorized NPC information.png
- add:Enabled other classes of jammer devices.
- add:The Attitude of an NPC who receives a favourite gift is automatically set to friendly! (Each subsequent one gives +5).
- add:Reorganized lower panel tab buttons: They have now equal width and a new Tasks/Quests icon has been created. The icon on the tab "Network" is disabled when there is no internet connection. The same with the "CO-OP" icon - if the player has not invited an NPC this icon tab is disabled. Also, a graphical small arrow indicating in which lower panel tab the player is in has been added:
  • Arrow tab indicator.png
    Arrow tab indicator.png (11.16 KiB) Viewed 4446 times
- add:Vox Populi — Cargo drop window! (Also with keyboard shortcuts: Shift+arrow right or arrow up to maximize or without a shift to add/remove one by one; Enter confirms):
  • Drop cargo window.png
- add:Two sounds for dropping cargo: one in the city and a different one at sea.
- add:As a bonus, article info window! You can now check in which city an article is produced. This depends, of course, on the cities discovered, and the list is updated when a new city producing an article is discovered:
  • Article info window.png
- fix:Vox Populi — The colour of the occupancy level of the cargo hold bar as well as the scale above it has been changed (from blue) to match the graphical style. Also, the panel got a bit of new pixel details to look nicer:
  • Cargo bar new color.png
    Cargo bar new color.png (7.07 KiB) Viewed 4446 times
- fix:Vox Populi — The perception attribute used as awareness when leaving the city no longer reports a revoked license.
- fix:Vox Populi — Change in requirements for Gigantus motor from level 20 to 17.
- fix:Vox Populi — The margin for clicking at the edge of the map has been increased.
- add:Vox Populi — Tooltip for harpoon launcher showing how many harpoons of each type are available:
  • Harpoon Launcher Tooltip.png
- add:New dialogue scripts (part of the internal code).
- add:More German translation (new entries as well as fixes).
- add:Polish diacritical characters (for upcoming Polish translation).
- add:The credits list has been massively updated.
- fix:Moved locking of player's dialogue selection keys to after dialogue is displayed.
- fix:Fixed triple(!) dialogue removal from the memory.
- fix:A significant adjustment preventing exploits.
- fix:Sometimes a part of the player data panel would be "embedded" into the sea map. This update fixes it.
- fix:Fixed two NPC names that contained incorrectly converted diacritical characters.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code » (03.12.2023)
- fix:Some procedures used the wrong font bank number causing the game to quit.
- add:Increased effectiveness of the jammer device.
- fix:Cargo hold panel: After clicking on an article icon and displaying information about it in the window, switching to the second page of the description changed the name of the article to the one over which the mouse cursor was positioned.
- fix:Awareness messages (based on the PERCEPTION attribute) were missing one condition to check goods export contracts.
- add:Coloured contract fulfilment message.
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Re: Changelog

Post by Aged Code » (30.12.2023)
- fix:The previous update changed how dialogues are handled, which unfortunately blocked them from appearing in story mode. This update restores order to the galaxy.
- fix:The 'awareness' feature based on the perception attribute in connection with the information about the expiry of the licence has been refined.
- fix:The attitude message of an NPC who received a favourite item incorrectly indicated 0 and no change in attitude (the effect itself, however, worked correctly, changing his/her attitude to friendly).
- fix:German fixes and new translations.
- fix:Shipyard: Removed red minus and green plus when 0 vern is on the counter.
- fix:Opening LogBook enabled the mask according to the old method preventing further operation of the bottom panel with the mouse.
- fix:The cargo window (bottom panel) contained an error making it impossible to select the desired item for disposal.
- fix:Other internal fixes.
- add:Improved AI of enemies (pirates use less evade action when low on HP).
- add:Increased harpoon damage by 50% of each type.
- add:The dialogue with the R&R (Repair & Refuel) service does not end after two services but remains so until the player completes the conversation himself.
- add:Vox PopuliL key as a shortcut to call for a licence conversation at the police station.
- add:Added four new portraits.