issue with experience points discrepancy?

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issue with experience points discrepancy?

Post by 328GTS »

I noticed this for quite some time but I finally figured I'd ask to see if this is 'normal' activity?

So i accept a delivery in a pub from a friendly character and the deal is say to deliver 10 piece of fruit to x city and then you will reecive 10% extra to market value and 10 experience points BUT when you successfully do the delivery I only receive 1 experience point bot the 10 agreed upon :roll: :x :?:
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Aged Code
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Re: issue with experience points discrepancy?

Post by Aged Code »

Sorry Captain for the late reply, but I was only able to look into the code now. It turns out it was just a cosmetic error displaying 0% XP after delivery; however, this did not affect the actual XP gain, which was added correctly (I tested two different deliveries). The issue is now fixed and will be included in the next update.
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